Fields is where businesses are born and bred

Where they come to live and thrive and grow and outperform. Opportunity is the heart and soul of Fields—because Fields is where everyone and every business wants to be. And it’s happening already. Things are booming and blooming and the businesses are coming in amazing droves.

This isn’t just dreamy, it’s easy. We are designing it that way. Where the living is easy is where you, your family and your business can focus on what matters most. This is ease at its very best. And don’t we all deserve things to be easy?

Easy to work. Easy to grow. Easy to get from point A to point B. In fact, there’s no car required if that’s your dream thanks to an interconnected, easy-to-navigate network of streets and trails.

Putting down roots is easy…in our epically fertile soil and settling in for success and longevity. Fields is what the world and the business world needs now.

Yours for the taking…

Fields is the largest plot of undeveloped land in Frisco. Literally ours…and yours for the taking in the heart of Frisco’s buzzing, booming, growing metropolis. Let’s get specific:

More than 70 square miles of useable
space primed for growth,
success and longevity
643,000 potential employees
within 30 minutes
516% population growth
projected by the
end of 2021
0% state income tax in Texas,
the most business
friendly state perched for
maximum growth, earnings
and epic success
208,261 estimated population
as of April 2021

Fields Community Map


Low to mid-rise campuses may be built in most of Fields. See Fields PD Office-2 for more details.

High-rise offices are allowed without height restrictions in the Fields urban core. See Fields PD Office-2 for more details.


Fields accommodates a variety of retail uses including malls, lifestyle, power, neighborhood, and convenience centers. See Fields PD “Upscale Retail” for more details.

Upscale hotels are permitted by right in most of Fields. See Fields PD “Upscale Hospitality” for more details.

Industrial uses, including data centers, may be constructed in certain portions of Fields. See Fields PD Commercial 2 for more details.

More information?

Please contact Kevin Brooke via phone or email for more information on build-to-suit office development.